Friday, December 18
I went to the school and took my placement tests. I stood in line so the advisor could enter my scores into the system and I was supposed to be good to go. I tried to register online and it's still blocking me. I have to go back to sort it out, but they're closed for the next two weeks. Early registration doesn't end until January 9, so I still have time.
I finally got my H1N1 vaccine while I was there. I'm in the high risk group that is supposed to get the shot because of my asthma, but I was not going to drive across town and stand in line for hours to get one. They were giving shots at the school with no charge, no waiting, and I was already there. I was out of excuses so I got mine. I haven't had any side effects so far other than a slightly sore arm.
My daughter has trouble with the online registration sometimes too. Will put in good thoughts for you to get all your first choice classes.
You have inspired me to go back to school. I am the career sophomore with endless credits in worthless to the needs of my life classes.
@Pseudonymous High School Teacher: Thank you. It looks like there is still enough room in most of them.
@John: I'm going to be a 41-year-old Freshman. Those little punks don't frighten me, though...
Wow you are doing so much!! Where in the world are you finding the time!! Good luck with your classes!!
@gayle: I've always needed to be busy to be happy. I feel like I'm not doing enough.
What have did you choose to study?
I'm studying graphic design this semester - on line. Easier with small kids at home.
@the mom: I'm just taking the basic classes this semester. I put down international studies as my area of concentration but that's subject to change.
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