I have been unemployed since the end of March, when I was laid off. I spent April and May at home in a slightly bi-polar state; happy not to have to go to work one moment and depressed the next because I had no place to go. I spent June at home with my daughter. I spent July on a road trip from Houston to Key West to the Smoky Mountains, to Yellowstone, and back to Houston. I spent August and September discovering no one in my industry is hiring right now.
I have decided I'm going back to school full time. I know it's a risky move, but I'm funding it with the money from my 401K. I have been wanting to go back to school for years, but didn't have the time or the money. It's now or never, I think.
I'm still debating what to study. I have 13 years experience in the Import / Export industry. I could study International Business and graduate with the degree plus all that work history. Or I could study emergency medicine. I took some EMT classes years ago and loved the clinical rotations on the ambulance. I do not love the idea of working for a transport service. Decisions...
I'm also looking for ways to have a social life without spending a lot of money. I have joined a few groups on Meetup.com. Most have free or very inexpensive activities planned. Once I buy a bike, the roads will be free and I've got a new set of friends to ride with. I've also found a kayaking group. I'm waiting to see how often I do anything with them to decide whether I'll buy a kayak or keep renting. (That's me in a rental at the top of the page.)
This blog will probably be a sort of diary. I have found blogging on other sites to be somewhat therapeutic. If anyone finds my life interesting enough to read or has any friendly advice that will be a bonus.
I have decided I'm going back to school full time. I know it's a risky move, but I'm funding it with the money from my 401K. I have been wanting to go back to school for years, but didn't have the time or the money. It's now or never, I think.
I'm still debating what to study. I have 13 years experience in the Import / Export industry. I could study International Business and graduate with the degree plus all that work history. Or I could study emergency medicine. I took some EMT classes years ago and loved the clinical rotations on the ambulance. I do not love the idea of working for a transport service. Decisions...
I'm also looking for ways to have a social life without spending a lot of money. I have joined a few groups on Meetup.com. Most have free or very inexpensive activities planned. Once I buy a bike, the roads will be free and I've got a new set of friends to ride with. I've also found a kayaking group. I'm waiting to see how often I do anything with them to decide whether I'll buy a kayak or keep renting. (That's me in a rental at the top of the page.)
This blog will probably be a sort of diary. I have found blogging on other sites to be somewhat therapeutic. If anyone finds my life interesting enough to read or has any friendly advice that will be a bonus.
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