I've had a few questions and comments about whether Poker Guy knows about this blog and what he would think if he did. No, he does not. If it ever gets serious between us, I'm sure I'll tell him at some point. I don't tell my family and friends not because I'm embarrassed, but because this is my online diary. You guys don't know me personally, so it's not the same when you read it.
It's not full of viscious gossip and slander because that's just not my style.
Do your friends and family read your blog? What would you think if you were Poker Guy and found this? I'm not likely to change what I post, but the comments have made me curious.
There are some new faces that may not know who I'm talking about. If you'd like to catch up on Poker Guy:
Texas Hold 'Em
Poker, Cemeteries, and Bikes
Ren Fest
A Date?
Hmmm...What to Wear...
Snow Daze
Viva Las Vegas
Small Town vs Big City Dating
Making Plans
Wow. I didn't realize it was so much...
I think if it gets to a point where things are serious with Poker Guy, you should show him or at least tell him about your blog. It's actually pretty flattering and I'm sure he'd want to know about it.
To answer your question, yes, my friends and family read my blog. I tell it like it is and like you I don't slander or crap talk about anyone when they aren't present to defend themselves. If I have a problem with you, you will be the first to know about it. That's how I operate.
I told my mom about my blog, but she's only been once to read it (I have a stat counter). I do my blog for myself too. This is my personal time. Some folks go see a movie, I write my blog. My husband doesn't know about it, but only because he could care less about computers. He'd prefer I cook him up something in the kitchen. Off topic: I swear the person who said 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach' was talking about my husband! Well, at least he doesn't bother me while i'm typing.
I think Poker Guy wouldn't mind, it's not like you've told his real name here. Plus it's your business, you can write what you want. If things get serious, you can tell him sure.
I have a few friends who know about my blog (3-4 have posted, one is more regular). Only one in my family knows about my blog--I've often given out some of my writing for my family and my memoir pieces I'm actually compiling for my kids.
No I keep mine anonymous as I would probably get in trouble if it was found but I do sometimes wish I could share with friends jsut to get honest opinions
Kate xx
No one in my real life reads my blog, well I hope not anyway. That's really why my blog is called "Joey's Pad", it's like my own personal space. We all need that I think.
My family and friends read my blog. Sometimes I wish they didn't and sometimes I wonder what they think, but I figure that I'm in control of what I write and I shouldn't post what I can't bear for them to read. Although I do use my blog as a diary -because anyone can read it I suppose I maybe use it in a different way to how I would a personal diary. But someday I'd like to get some writing published (vain hope) and I guess the blog is good practice for laying yourself open to scrutiny - even if it makes you feel vulnerable. Anyhow, if I was Poker Guy and I read your blog I'd feel touched and flattered. Not bad really!
My family read it. My daughter (17) read my Christmas song last night and told me I was disgusting. Result!
Earlier this year, I used to run my own blog, and due to other people interfering and making snide comments, I just closed it down because it had got to the stage where I couldn't cope with it anymore. So, I joined this one, and have been quite happy doing my own thing. I keep it to myself, but that is because I'm in the position where I have no one to share things with, but on saying that, I do have some really good friends who have stood by me through thick and thin, and I would always do the same for them. One person especially has always been my best on-line buddie, and she always will be. We have always been there for each other, and we always keep in touch by chatting all the time by e-mail. In fact, we chat almost non-stop...even though she is 8 hours behind me!
I too am in a fairly new relationship. I haven't told him about my blog either, even though I have never mentioned him. My friends and family don't know I have a blog either. I tell them I just like to read and comment. Which is what I used to do. I suppose I will tell the new guy about the blog eventually.
At times I wish my family and friends didn't know about my blog because I would write somewhat different. Some of them read it and tell me when they see me but they only comment every now and then.
I have trouble keeping even small secrets, so everyone around me knows about my blog and some of them read it. Yes, it does keep me from posting some things, but I get by.
You may want to think about mentioning your blog, at least in passing, before you go to Louisiana. It seems like one of those things where the appopriate moment could zip by without your noticing, and then it starts to get weird....
My friends and family know about my blog and some of them read it.
I determine what goes on my blog by asking myself if this is something that can be broadcasted on TV with my face plastered along with it.
You got it...I don't put anything too personal on it. And I wouldn't even if I were posting anonymously.
That's just my personality. But I think it's okay for anyone to say whatever they want to say their blog.
Hard to say what Poker Guy would think. Could be from one extreme (flattering, as John said) to the other (not happy about it)or anywhere in between.
He might be blogging about you. :)
One of my sisters reads my blog, but I had to basically wear her down. I've asked some of my blogbuds if their fam reads them and most say they don't, although they wish they would.
However. My ex-husband reads me...and he doesn't know I can see him! Awkward....
Yeah, I agree that if things heat up, you'll eventually share this place w/poker guy.
Thank you everyone for your comments. I really appreciate the different points of view.
Yeah my family and friends read my blog here. Matter of fact, there's a link to it on my facebook page.
It's a different story with my "other" blog (the one where I first started talking to you) which is in part due to the setting there...but also because, I know what you mean when you say you like having this as an online diary, which is one thing I like about my "other" blog.
Of course it's up to you, but you should figure out a way to let Poker Guy know about this blog! He'd be proud.
I wouldn't mind if someone blogged about his or her feelings of me, as long as it wasn't evil stuff. And however, you haven't written his name, or pictured him.
I blog about my daughters, which sometimes seems a bit wrong to me, as I have posted photos as well. Just my mom and best friend read my blog.
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