The date went pretty well last night. The show was entertaining, the company good, and dinner after was delicious. He did not invite me just as a friend. He held my hand, hugged me, gave me a little kiss on the lips, but didn't grope. He says he wishes he had met me a couple of months ago. He's flying back to Ohio on Sunday. He'll be back in two weeks and is already wanting to make plans. He's talking about a trip to my favorite casino - says that's one of the things he's been wanting to do before he leaves. He'll be back and forth for the next 8 weeks, and then he'll be permanently relocated to Ohio. In this economy, it would not be a wise decision to not go where his company sends him.
He is having another poker party tonight and I was supposed to go, but they are warning us not to get on the roads unless we have to. He just called again to see if I changed my mind. I would go anyway and take my sleeping bag in case we get stuck there, but I have my daughter this weekend and would not want to be unable to get to her if I need to. We're both staying in tonight. I've got a pie in the oven. It's perfect weather for baking.
Houston never gets snow like this. I wish enough stuck to the ground so that I could build a snowman. In my neighborhood, it melted as soon as it hit the ground. Some areas got 4 inches, though. I'm watching people on TV use wake boards and boogie boards as sleds. Who would have thought that South Texas would get snow before Detroit?
It freezes so rarely here that we have to run the water all night or our pipes will burst. They are not properly insulated. There are no snow plows in the city of Houston, or salt for the roads. It's a good thing there was not significant accumulation on the streets, or the city would shut down until it melts.
I got my first blog award! Yay! Thank you, UberGrumpy! I have to figure out how to post it to my blog and to whom to pass it on. I'll get to work on that and have it up soon.
Hey, congrats on your first blog award! Your description of the nsow reminded me of the snow chapter in To Kill a Mockingbird...
@Pseudonymous High School Teacher: I don't remember that chapter. It's been a long time since I read that book.
I'm glad to hear the dat went well. You seemed a bit frustrated about the situation a few weeks ago. Did you wear the new hat? Snow in Houston? What's next a tornado in Miami? A heat wave in Juneau? I hope the pie was delicious. First blog award? Hard to believe. You should have your first long ago. Have a great weekend.
Congrats on the award, and the Snow. Pity about the kiss though, he should start as he means to go on. Good long and deep, leaving you both a little bit in need of breath.
And groping, he is not 14.
The world is turning upside down, weather-wise!
Good date news! And I like your hat.
Oh cool!! Getting your first blog award is a special day I think!! I remember mine and I was so chuffed. :D
No snow here, just rain, as usual!
@John: I think I was frustrated about someone else a few weeks ago. I did wear the new hat when we walked from the theater to a restaurant.
@Vince: I appreciated not being groped on a first date. It's easy to find someone to grope me. Harder to find someone who's actually interested in getting to know me first.
@kenju: It has been a very strange year in weather, indeed.
@Kate: Thank you!
@LL Cool Joe: I did a little happy dance. Shhh. Don't tell anyone.
Glad to hear the date went well and it's interesting to hear that Houston has snow--we got our second dusting yesterday and it's snowing but all so lightly now. Last year, I was x-country skiing around now, if I remember correctly.
@sage: The snow is gone now. It never lasts long. In a few more days it will be almost 80 degress. Only in Houston - all 4 seasons in one week...
So glad the date went well...can't wait to here more...sounds like you were a hit!!
Congrats on the award!!
Congrats on your award!
Your snow was such big news we saw pictures of it on our local news up here in BC. I thought about you and another Texas blogger I 'know'.
Does your date know about your blog? :)
Enjoy your first award! There'll be more to come.
@gayle: I usually do pretty well on a first date. I don't get annoying until later.
@Rebecca S: If Los Angeles gets snow that will get even bigger headlines. Copycats.
@Anita: NO!!! And neither does anyone that can tell him.
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