Poker Guy and I had talked about Las Vegas on our date. As much as I like to gamble, I have never been. He said we should go sometime. Guys say things like that all the time. It doesn't mean you're really going - especially if it's discussed on a first date. I said we should, not thinking he meant soon (or ever).
He's already planning the trip for February. He asked what would be a good time for me to go and suggested 3 different hotels.
At first I thought it was way too soon to be planning a trip like that. We've only known each other since mid-October and even though we've hung out with a group many times, we've only been on one official date. Then I remembered he's in Ohio now and if we want to see each other, one or both of us is going to have to get on an airplane. Hell, might as well make it Vegas.
I will be making my own travel arrangements.
You really are causing confusion.
I asked some women friends about groping and showed them your site. They were equally mystified as to your meaning. For them it tended to have an innocent meaning, where along with grope fumbling was the very next word.
Now, what the heck is an OFFICIAL DATE and how is it different from an un-official date.
Vegas is a great place, so much to see and do. Go for it, gamble, take in a show and have fun.
I know you probably hear this from old married people all the time, but I'll say my version: I am so out of it! I'm confused too. I guess the important thing is: Are you having fun - the kind of fun that you won't regret? :)
Have a GREAT time!! Seize the moment:)
@Vince: "Groping" is grabbing places that a guy has no business putting his hands unless invited. If I say "groped", I did not invite it. I might at some point...but not on a first date with someone I'd like to see again.
When we hung out before, it was because we both went to the same event, but not together. The "official date" was when he called and asked would I like to see a show and have dinner with him. It was the first time we were even alone together.
Still confused? Me, too, usually.
@SquirrelQueen and Blissseeker: I believe I will. I've been wanting to see Vegas.
@Anita: I am having fun. The kind of fun I won't regret? I'm not sure how to interpret that. If you are referring to one night stands - I don't regret those when they happen, but that is NOT what I'm looking for.
Don't we seem to regret anything that's fun anyway? I love Vegas. Go with your instincts and I'm sure you'll have a ball.
Ahhhhh, there is no 'official' date, there is just a date. When a man asks you out.
And we understand the word and action of grope. What neither I nor the women got was the age of the people involved. Now don't get me wrong we Irishmen do things that drive our women crazy but groping is not one of them.
An official date is the queen's official birthday; so presumably you went out on the first, second or third Saturday in June.
Hope that clears up all the confusion
@LL Cool Joe: Not me. I tend to regret things I didn't do.
@Vince: Now I'm confused. We are both in our 40's. You'd think we'd have all this figured out by now.
@UberGrumpy: Dammit Grump, that means we STILL have not been on an official date. I hope you don't think I'm waiting until June for a real kiss...
Making your own travel arrangements sounds like a good idea!
I was in Vegas a couple of years ago in February for 10 days for a class and conference. It was warm and sunny and wonderful.
Hope you have a great time!
@Rebecca S.: I'd have to know and trust someone very well before I'd not make my own travel arrangements.
@Jeanne: Warm and sunny sounds so good right now!
Oh that sounds so exciting!!
@gayle: It does! I'm getting so excited that even if he backed out, I think I'd go anyway.
Jen: re: travel arrangements. Yup, that's what I was thinking.
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