Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bic Your Lid

Image from Flickr.
John Travolta Bald, originally uploaded by joe103169.
Guys stress way too much over losing their hair.

Recognize this man? Holy,'s John Travolta! Is it just me, or does this look work for him? Big improvement over the Welcome Back Kotter days...

I cannot stand a guy with a combover and am not fond of the doughnut encircling the crown. Guys, you look much better if you just accept that you're bald and go with it. Stop trying to hold onto those last few strands. I can't be the only one who thinks bald is hot.

My Wyoming crush bics his lid. I wish I could post his pic here, but he's not a public figure and I don't have his permission.

Nope.  I haven't seen the movie yet.  I want to now.


tattytiara said... 1

The all over bald really is a good solution to thinning hair or pattern baldness, but when are we going to hit the expiry date on the whole goatee thing, anyway?

Brian Miller said... 2

i did it for a year, just to mix things up...lots of maintenance. it was definitely feel a lot more up

jack69 said... 3

Well you got me, I still cannot see John there, so it must work for him.
I decided a couple years ago to finish the going bald, and went bald.

Rachel Cotterill said... 4

That definitely works for him! Combovers, on the other hand... *shudder*

I've never heard the expression 'bic your lid' before............

LL Cool Joe said... 5

Depends on the face I think. It can look great, it can look not so good. I prefer seeing both LL Cool J and Ne-Yo with caps on, I don't think their bald heads do them any favours at all.

Vince said... 6

Well fair is fair, we prefer a hell of a lot more places bic'd on women to get all huffy about you pointing out that a half mown field of hay just looks stupid.
Odd the difference between the two all the same. Men do not like finding hair where it is unexpected, the hip, knee and toe. While your comment cuts the other way.

Rob Strickland said... 7

I can't remember if this has been asked before, or if you've blogged it before, but...does Wyoming crush know you blog about him?

buffalodick said... 8

When I retired, I vowed to grow a pony tail..and I did! It's kind of gray and black- but it's hair! After wearing a suit or sport coat for 35 years for work- it feels great to meet a whole new group of people who accept you for your hair! Of course, there are people I've known for years that think I'm crazy- and they are right!

Kelly said... 9

I think the look definitely works for him!!

I've never had a problem with bald and find it quite sexy on the right guy.

sage said... 10

My top hair is gone, but I still have plenty on the side, but won't shave it because I don't want to shave my beard and I refuse to start sharing after swearing it off a couple of decades ago.

Jen said... 11

@tattytiara: The goatee is a bit tired, but I have to admit I'm a soul patch fan.

@Brian Miller: It's difficult to picture you bald. Why did you stop?

@jack69: Good for you! Does your wife like it?

@Rachel Cotterill: I don't think I made it up.

@LL Cool Joe: LL Cool J does look good in a cap. I don't remember ever having seen him without one.

@Vince: I remember being told when I was growing up that European women didn't shave. I guess that has changed.

@Rob: No. That's why I don't have permission to post his pic.

@buffalodick: The friends who accept you as you are without trying to change you are the true friends. Hold onto those.

@Kelly: Me too! They just have to wear it with confidence.

Jen said... 12

@sage: LOL. OK, you don't have to shave.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said... 13

Happy Sunday!
Nice to see you come up with fresh ideas and well, in reality, no one is perfect, movies stars are actors...they perform...

enjoyed your fun post!

Jen said... 14

@Jingle: If everyone was perfect, everyone would be boring. Thanks! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it.

LL Cool Joe said... 15

I rest my case

Kate said... 16

Toatally cool phrase - 'bic your lid'!!

Claudya Martinez said... 17

My husband started losing his hair at a very young age and he regularly shaves his head. My husband is hot!

Anonymous said... 18

Once upon a time, this was me. A couple of years later, away they went, leaving me.
barefoot navigation

Jen said... 19

@LL Cool Joe: He definitely looks better with a cap.

@Kate: I thought so, too.

@Unknown Mami: I noticed that in the pics on your blog. You are a lucky woman.

@athens: You had a lot of hair!

CiCi said... 20

I watched the trailer and added it to the Netflix list. John Travolta gets better looking as he gets older.

Jen said... 21

@TechnoBabe: He does, and his acting skills keep improving as well.

Heather said... 22

That man could look hot in anything!!

My dad is one of those still trying to remain young, it looks rediculous! My mom likes it and encourages it, so us kids and the rest of the world have to endure it!

Jen said... 23

@Unknown Mami: Thanks! I'm honored.

@Heather: Uh's in denial, too. Well, if they are happy together that's what is important.

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