Thursday, December 23, 2010

He Only Has Himself to Blame

Holy crap!  The new guy's wife sent me a message on Facebook.  He told me that she had met someone else and decided she didn't want to be married any more.  That's not her version of the story.  Her version has him cheating with many different women.  She wants my help to decide what to do?  If her version is true and she still doesn't know the answer, I can't help her.

I've blocked them both.


grannybunny said...

Don't waste your time and sense of self worth on married men, regardless of their excuses.

Oilfield Trash said...

Oh wow, what a hot mess.

Brian Miller said...

whew yeah get out of that one...

Amanda said...

Sounds like you've got a good grip on the situation, wrt blocking both of them.

I know marriages can go south. I've got two divorces under my belt. But for heaven's sake, the dude needs to get his divorce taken care of (at least get an MSA signed, for pity's sake) before he declares himself on the market.


gayle said...

You did the right thing!
Have a wonderful Christmas!!

Toyin O. said...

Good for you. Merry Christmas!

Kelly said...

Definitely sounds like a mess you don't want to be in the middle of. Glad you blocked them both.

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

Anonymous said...

the block button on fb is brilliant:)

Anonymous said...

Please have you all a blessed Christmas.

daily athens

sage said...

blocking them was a good action...

Bernie said...

Walk away Jen these people are not healthy. Merry Christmas......:-)Hugs

Anonymous said...

Poor woman...She is clueless...

Happy Holidays!

Tempo said...

Your Christmas will be so much better knowing you're well away from that train wreck..
Merry Christmas Jen..
Look not backward but always forward to the best year ever!

Vince said...

Happy Christmas Jen.

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Oh, my!!! You will be in my prayers... And Merry Christmas, dearest Jen!!! Just wanted to send you my love on this Christmas eve!! ~Janine xo

kelvin s.m. said...


I just wanted to wish you a safe and peaceful Christmas...^^

Feliz Navidad!!! Dios nos bendiga a todos!!!^^


Shionge said...

Yo.....glad you have got rid of the pests....move on and have a blessed New Year 2011 Jen :"D

Full-On-Forward said...

Bail Chica, Bail!!!



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