1) I am thankful for my daughter.
2) I am thankful for my friends.
3) I am thankful for the roof over my head.
4) I am thankful for the food in my fridge.
I normally hold my tips until after I'm done at a table instead of betting them like a lot of people do. Whenever I bet them, I usually lose. The dealer this time told me, "You are a lucky woman. And you never tip." She was very rude, not like most dealers at my favorite casino who are friendly and a lot of fun. How does she know I don't ever tip? She had never met me before and I had not yet left.
I still tipped her because I don't aspire to be like her. I took ten dollars off the top of my winnings before passing them to be colored up. Instead of thanking me she rolled her eyes and muttered that I must have lost count - I'm assuming because the total was 390 dollars instead of 400.
5) I am thankful that I am not as miserable and hateful as that blackjack dealer.
I've never gambled in a Casino. I mean I've been to quite a few in Vegas and Atlantic City, but I've just never been interested in giving it a go. My partner does, and always wins.
Just tell them your Canadian... Years ago, when I lived in Nevada, the dealers I knew always tried to take vacation on the weeks when there were lots of Canadians since they supposedly didn't tip as well. As for me, I never played, so I never worried about tipping.
Canadian, eh? Try Scottish. Deep pockets, short arms
Well.. she has problems. :P I worked in cafe for a while ... (I know that's not an especially good comparison) but my boss would kill me if I treated customers like that ... tip or no tip.
@LL Cool Joe: If I could figure out how to always win, I wouldn't need a job or a degree.
@Sage: I'm not sure I can do a Canadian accent.
@UberGrumpy: My Scottish accent is even worse.
@Poppy: That is no way to treat customers. If she was nicer, she probably would never have to ask for tips. People would enjoy giving them to her.
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