My daughter's best friend wrecked her car today. She spotted a cute guy on a motorcycle, got distracted, and slammed into the car in front of her. She's ok except for a black eye and busted lip from the air bag, but her car is a total loss. I hope she has learned her lesson because my daughter is often in the car with her. It's because she's an inexperienced driver, I know. Unfortunately, the only way for the girls to gain experience is to let them get in the car and drive. I have asked my daughter not to drive anyone's car until she has insurance because I can't afford to pay for the damage if she crashes. Maybe now she believes it can happen to her and she will listen to me.
Image from Photobucket. I'm hoping both girls are smart enough not to be texting...
There's too much truth in that comic strip. Glad your daughter's friend is okay.
Great comic. Up here in BC we are passing a law soon against any hand held devices while driving, and new drivers won't be allowed to have any type of phone at all in their cars for a year at least. It'll be a bit tough to monitor this all the time, but it's something! I'm glad. Cute guys? Well, they can't legislate against that...
When my younger daughter was in high school, she started riding to school with a friend. After a week or two of harrowing speed around curves, my daughter told that girl she wouldn't be riding with her any longer. Two weeks later, that girl was killed on a curve marked 45 MPH, fewer than 2 miles from our house. She was estimated to have ben going at least 75 mph.
We were devastated at the thought of what could have happened, had my girl not been as smart as she was (and is).
I hope your girl listens to you and takes that wrreck as an object lesson.
That comic strip is pretty accurate.
I'm glad my boys are too young to drive for now. It'll hit in a few years, but I'm just going to embrace the whole "ignorance is bliss" thing in the meantime.
I've been driving for three years now, and one of the things that gets me is how little time it really takes for you to lose control of your situation.
If I'm not paying attention to the road, I start to drift. Even changing the radio station is something I do very carefully.
@sage: Me, too. She's a bit shaken up, but will be fine. She got lucky this time.
@Rebecca S.: The driver can't have the phone or no one in the car can have a phone? My daughter used to look up driving directions on her phone while her friend drove. It kept them from getting lost.
@kenju: It scared my daughter to think what could have happened to her friend. It's one of those lessons we all have to learn. I hope she's learned it now. I'm so sorry that happened to your daughter's friend. It must have been devastating.
@Amanda: This is one time I'm really glad I didn't have a boy. I hope yours are exceptions to the boys are more reckless driving rule.
@BrightenedBoy: It takes a fraction of a second. If you turn your head to look at something, your hands can turn the wheel slightly in that direction without you careful! Change the station at red lights.
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