Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I Call Shotgun!

Lesson one:  The big guy has the right of way...

...and he's not required to use the crosswalk...or hurry...who's gonna volunteer to tell him to move?

(Yep.  More pictures from my visit to Yellowstone.)

My daughter gives me a daily countdown until she gets her driver's license.  "Eight more days until I get my license, Mom!"  I'm not sure I'm happy about her driving.  Sure, it would be convenient to send her to the store instead of running out to get that red folder she has to have for school tomorrow, but there are idiots out there.  I'm going to worry about her.

Fortunately, I drive a stick so she won't be wanting to borrow my car.  I told her I could teach her to drive one in 15 minutes, but she doesn't want to try.  Her father has promised to buy her a car with automatic transmission.  Hopefully, he also plans to buy the insurance.      


John said... 1

Holy Crap that thing is huge! I had heard that the buffalo roams free up there but I didn't realize how enormous they are. Great pics.

f8hasit said... 2

Yeah, he has the right of way.
Anything that big SHOULD get presidence!

Jen said... 3

@John: They do roam free. Sadly, there is no fence to keep them from leaving the park and once they do, they are killed. :(

@f8hasit: He knows it, too. He just steps out in the road without looking, expecting everyone to get out of his way.

kathryn said... 4

OHMYGOD! As your page came up I was already saying, "Are you freakin' kidding me??" Unbelievable. Can you imagine hitting one of those? The car wud crumple and HE would just keep on truckin'.....

YES, definitely if Dad's buying the car, let HIM pick up the insurance. That's what I say...

Blissseeker said... 5

Are you freaking out about your daughter driving yet? My son will turn 16 next year and I just can't imagine him behind the wheel!

I am enjoying your stories!

Thanks for following my blog and for your comments:)

Jen said... 6

@Kathryn: I think he might have been bigger than my car. It would be totalled, I'm sure.

@Blissseeker: I'm trying not to think about it too much. You're welcome and thank you for returning the visit.

kenju said... 7

I would freak out if I saw that one coming!

Jen said... 8

@kenju: I didn't freak out but I did give him plenty of space.

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