I received a call from the attendance office this morning. It seems I forgot to call when my daughter stayed home a few days ago. The school no longer accepts notes to excuse absences because too many kids forge them. Do they think it is more difficult to fake a call?
I hate the emphasis that is placed on perfect attendance. Instead of hiring someone to spend her days harassing parents of absent children, they should be encouraging students to stay home when they're sick. Have they not heard there is a nasty flu going around?
I always hated colleagues who bragged about never calling in sick, too. I would have preferred that they stayed home with their cooties instead of sharing them with the rest of us.
I agree.
I agree too. It's far less productive to make five other people sick than to just stay away for one day.
I agree totally! The cootie bugs made me laugh! That's like having relatives over for a visit, who then start saying that today/last night they had a stomach bug, blah blah...I just want to boot them out the door with my foot! Who cares if "it's going around anyway, you can't avoid it"?? Would you spit in someone's soup? Stay home when you are sick, people!
@Blissseeker: Thanks.
@Kate: Not to mention the fact that if they are truly sick they are not productive themselves.
@Tammy: It's going around because people don't stay home when they're sick! They cannot predict the future and they do not know if I would have gotten it anyway.
I agree! Better to keep your germs to yourself :) cute picture
@Smileyfreak: I wish I could take credit for the picture. The vast majority of the pics on my blog are mine, but I found that one on photobucket. If you click on it, it will take you to photobucket instead of enlarging.
I deal with a difference kind of attendance Nazi: my professors.
One of them, in particular, is offended at the frequency with which I've missed class lately, despite the fact that I've done well in the course and pulled a B+ on the midterm.
@BrightenedBoy: I hope you will still get credit for the class.
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