Thursday, January 13, 2011

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Image from flickr.

I didn't get the job that I interviewed for last week, but I had another interview with a different company today. I did better this time. I did a lot more speaking and less just listening and nodding. I didn't wait to be asked why I haven't been working for almost two years and what I've been doing with myself - I told her straight away. No one was hiring for positions paying what I was used to earning and even if I was willing to accept less they weren't eager to hire me for a position I'd leave as soon as something better became available, so I decided to go on sabbatical and travel. I took advantage of my time and the money I'd worked hard to save visiting places I'd always wanted to see. I'm not sure if I told her that I also did a semester of college...

I have to interview with at least one other person before I can be hired. We've scheduled it for Monday. I'm starting to truly believe I'm going to find something soon. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and maybe this time it's not a train.


LL Cool Joe said...

I really hope the interview turns into a job! Nowadays it's very common to have a long break between jobs, especially if you are at a certain level and don't want to take the first job that comes along.

Brian Miller said...

nice...stay at will...

grannybunny said...

They're going to interview you on MLK Day? That's either a really good sign (about their interest in you) or a really bad one (about the employer).

sage said...

Good job! Hang in there.

Jen said...

@LL Cool Joe: That doesn't seem to be the attitude here. So many people start calling you lazy...

@Brian Miller and Sage: Thanks for the encouragement. I will.

@grannybunny: Only banks and schools close for MLK day here. He doesn't get the respect he deserves.

Kelly said...

Hope this works out. Good luck with the interview on Monday!!

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