Image from flickr.
I finally took my boots and all my gear for a test drive. I loaded up the backpack and walked 4 miles on the hike / bike trails in my neighborhood. It took me an hour and a half but I stopped at least a dozen times to adjust the straps, trying to get them just right. The pack also has internal aluminum frames that can be bent to better fit your body and I was messing with those. I'm confident I can do 10 at a pace averaging 2.5 miles per hour, which is what the event leader said they did last time. It's actually easier to carry than my books even though it weighs more.
I made the mistake of wearing cotton socks, though, so I have a blister developing on the bottom of one foot. What was I thinking? I know better than that...
I hope the blister clears up soon! Sounds like a great walk though :)
very cool. so ready for warmer weather so i can hit the trails...
Beautiful scenery! I'm sure you live at a higher altitude than we even have in Michigan!
Congratulations on your great marks in school, Jen! (I'm catching up on blogs today) I imagine that once you get the weight distribution of your pack right it will be like a new pair of running shoes when you get the lacing sorted out. Comfy! Have you got double layered blister-proof socks down there? They are great!
I LOVE that pic! Where was that?
Hope you can get it to form you just right. I love it when you take me on your adventures.
I'm convinced one has to bleed in shoe-leather before they are broken in
Wow....that pack is HUGE! I'd no idea that they could conform to the shape of your cool is that? I'll bet it's a decent model. Is there an optional cocktail holder that sends the liquid down through a know, so it's hands free??
Where did you get that photo? It looks to be somewhere on the Colorado Plateau. I have a few pics and stories in my archives of canyon hiking... I can tell you there is no faster way to break in boots than to hike with them in water (also no faster way to develop blisters)... When will you hit the trail?
Great idea taking a "test walk"!
@Rachel: It did but I've got new ones to replace it.
@Brian Miller: It's plenty warm here. Shorts and t-shirt were perfect.
@buffalodick: I live at sea level. That is beautiful scenery! That's why I borrowed it from flickr. I'll make sure I highlight that in bigger letters when I do it in the future. I like to give photographers credit.
@Rebecca S.: I've seen them before, but don't have any. I may add them to my backpacking wish list.
@Heather: Coyote Gulch. Utah? I'm working on my post for this trip. I had a great time. I'm glad you like reading them and coming with me.
@Vince: Damn. No blood yet.
@Kathyrn: LOL. Yes, as a matter of fact there is one on my pack. Mine is much smaller than that guy's.
@sage: From flickr. Click on the pic to go to his story about the trip. I think you'll like it. I did mine this weekend. I think I need to write something good. It may take a day or two.
@gayle: I was very happy I'd done it. There was no way I'd have been able to drop it so many times on the trail.
Sounds like fun! When I first moved to AZ I went hiking all the time. I haven't been hiking in a while though. One of my little girls is very high spirited and I am always afraid she will fall off a cliff or something.
I have an award for you!
I also just thought of it, I was looking around a music site and Shinedown does a cover of Alice in Chains Nutshell!
How heavy was the pack? I did ten miles with a 25-pounder a couple of weeks ago and it damn nearly killed me. And I had proper socks on and everything
I can see you have a cute tush, but(pardon the pun!) it's time for a new post! I look forward to them!
Just wanted to let you know that I have Tagged you on my post.
Thanks, I clicked the photo and read the story. I've not hiked that canyon, but know of it. Here is a story of traveling the road it's down:
Here's another story of my favorite canyon hike in the SW:
@Christiejolu: Thank you! I need to do a housekeeping post and take care of those. I'll be Googling that Shinedown cover!
@UberGrumpy: I don't know how much it weighs because scales are EVIL and I rfuse to have one in my house. I'm estimating 25 pounds.
@buffalodick: That is not my rear end. My ass is much better than that. Don't make me post a pic to prove it. I'll be posting soon.
@Heather: Thanks! I'll be right over.
@sage: Thanks for the links. I'll read them soon.
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