Image by MelissaRStern from flickr.
Do you ever have those moments when you completely understand why some parents beat their children? The kitchen is supposed to be my daughter's job. I was trying to make spinach stuffed shells last night and every dish I pulled from the cupboard was dirty! She refuses to rinse them before loading the dishwasher and apparently didn't even look at them before she put them away. After I'm done decluttering the pantry, the cupboard is next. Too many dishes only encourages the dirty ones to pile up. They sometimes don't get washed until we're out of clean ones. Anything we don't need is getting tossed!
Getting rid of stuff can be a liberating activity. Thank goodness. I hope your daughter learns to rinse soon!
OHMIGOD! I have said it many a times....I can see how people who are not right in their mind can snap! Yet we love them....with all that we are capable of.
Glad you commented on my blog :) I will treasure yours. I can tell.
While you're at it, you could get rid of some of her stuff, too.
OK that might be a little much.
I never kept up washing the dishes until I got my own place. Perhaps use her getting her own place as reference to help her understand why things need to get done?
This would frustrate me no end! I just can't think when things are disorganized. I read back, and see you are trying to get a handle on it. Doing a little bit at a time is the key. Meanwhile, make daughter buy paper plates..LOL
I cook, my wife cleans up after me.. My peeve is they are clean, but never seem to make it back in the cupboards..
@SandyCarlson: She WILL learn to rinse or she'll be the one rewashing everything while I watch!
@Rachel: I kind of regret writing that. I understand their frustration but I can't comprehend the way they handle it. Some don't even seem to understand what they're doing is wrong. At least I only have words on a page to regret... Thanks for returning the visit.
@Tallshag: I think she was just not paying attention and showing her the results might have been enough. I'm not encouraging her to get her own place. Are you insane?
@Lou: Paper plates sounds like a fantastic idea! I would feel too guilty about killing trees, though. A little bit at a time makes it not seem so overwhelming. I agree, that is the key.
@buffalodick: Do they stay in the dishwasher? That is annoying to me, too, especially when the dirty ones pile up in the sink because there's no place to put them.
Nope, no kids ya see.
But I do think they make dishwashers too big. If they were half the size or dishwashers for one or two. Then you would not feel half so ticked off letting it run half full.
But given the price of those little tablets it might not be such a good idea after all.
@Vince: With only two people in my household we should probably be washing them by hand.
I had two girls ...will I still do... they are just out on their own:) I know exactely how you feel!!
Fat chance of that, there is only one in my household and you would think I've forgotten all about the sink except as some sort of stageing post.
@gayle: So they are cluttering their own kitchens instead of yours now? Sometimes I think I look forward to that day...then I realize how lonely I will be.
@Vince: Well, I feel like I'm already washing them before I put them in the dishwasher, so I might as well save a little money and use some liquid soap...unless there are a lot of dishes.
I don't have children but I have on occasion wanted to beat The Boyfriend. When I first moved in with him, I found a dirty plate in the stack of clean ones. WTF??!! And I'm not talking about some speck of dried food, I'm talking about impossible to miss, smeared across entire plate dried food. I love him, but I just don't get it. Like how difficult is it really?
@Sara Louise: I had to ask her if she unloaded the dishwasher in the dark or wasn't wearing her contacts. I don't understand it. Sometimes boyfriends seem like another child to take care of...
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