Friday, February 5, 2010


My asthma kept me awake all night and into the morning.  I missed my first two classes completely.  I didn't get to my 10:00 class until 10:30.  We only meet once a week, so I didn't want to miss everything. 

I'm afraid to hike 11 miles into the forest where there is no cell phone coverage with my asthma acting up.  I had to withdraw my name.  Hopefully, someone on the waiting list will be able to go in my place.  There is another trip in two weeks.  I'll spend the time getting used to the weight of my pack and breaking in my new shoes.  I wore them to school, by the way.  They seem quite comfortable so far.  They are warm, dry, and don't hurt my feet at all.

I don't drunk text very often, but I tend to insomnia text.  Poker Guy is going to be riding the MS150 with her.  I know they've been planning it a long time, but it pisses me off.  I sent him a message that said, "If you're going to continue your relationship with A___, I don't think I should see you again.  It bothers me more than I expected."  I haven't heard anything from him yet.  Part of me is hoping he'll call and say he won't see her any more or that the race will be the last time he sees her.  I really don't expect it to happen, though.  They seem to be much closer than I first thought.  



Kenza said... 1

awh that really sucks, im sorry to hear that :( if it keeps acting up, you def need to go to your doc and see whats up.
sigh, men.

yonca said... 2

I'm so sorry to hear that.Thanks for stopping by. I'm following your blog now:)

Jen said... 3

@Poisonn Amour: If it hadn't gotten better this morning I would have gone today. Doctors are expensive, but hospitals are even more expensive. I need to stay away from those.

@yonca: A new face! Yay! Thanks and welcome.

Nikia, May and da kids said... 4

That sucks about the asthma and the guy.
Hang in there. The sun will rise tomorrow just like it did today.


sage said... 5

Bummer, I was hoping to read about your adventures backpacking... double bummer about Poker Boy

Claudya Martinez said... 6

I'm so sorry. I hope you feel better soon.

Rebecca S. said... 7

I know it's not comforting, but I do like that drawing. It reminds me of the song, "I'm a storm cloud.."

Brian Miller said... 8

hope you feel better. probably a good call.

gayle said... 9

Hope you are feeling better and your guy does what he is suppose to do.

the mom said... 10

I really hope it will become better soon. If one sad thing wasn't enough...

Kate said... 11

Feel better Jen. Hope Poker Guy unbreaks your heart......

Vince said... 12

Hmm, Good for you, re' the Guy. You cannot have him thinking two birds with one stone, now can you ?. You had to call him on this and even if it never goes beyond it was absolutely necessary, insomnia generated or not.
Sorry 'bout the hike, but you will get there at some point.

Jen said... 13

@Nikia, May and da kids: The sun is out! It's a beautiful day! Things are looking up already!

@sage: It is a bummer...but there will be more hikes and there are other guys out there.

@Unknown Mami: I feel better already.

@Rebecca S.: It reminds me of Eeyore. I was feeling the gloom and doom last night and felt sure he was lurking about somewhere with that cloud...

@Brian Miller: I think it probably was.

@gayle and Kate: I'm not holding my breath. He still hasn't called.

@the mom: They say these things come in three's...or is that just deaths and babies?

@Vince: Even sailors have ONE girl in every port...not two.

the mom said... 14

Oh, didn't know that... Then I wish you a minor third problem. Like a bad hair day?

Jen said... 15

@the mom: I smashed my finger. Let's hope that's number 3.

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