Clock is ticking while I'm stealing time
Can't you turn it back?
Stop the cycle set it free and run away
- Lacuna Coil
The last time we talked, Wyoming told me how excited he was about my visit and had changed his tune from my coming just as a friend to hoping that we got along so well that I'd be rooming with him in his actual bedroom - that maybe we'd be in a relationship. Apparently, they didn't get the house they wanted and the one they did get isn't as big. It was less scary when we were just going to be friends and I'd have my own room.
The very next day, I tried to call and got a recording that the number has been changed, disconnected, or is no longer in service. I was trying to let him know when I'd be there. I'm tempted to email the dates I'll be in Hawaii and that I hope to see him, but if he doesn't give me the new number I will not be attempting any more contact with him ever. I'm already trying way too hard.
I'm debating whether to go ahead with my plans or delay them for a couple of months. If I choose to go, I'm not going to visit the beach near his house hoping to bump into him, or the club(s) where he works. If he happens to call, I might decide to let him know I'm there. Otherwise, he hopefully won't have a clue.
I should be able to keep busy enough to not think about him too much, right? And it's not like he's the only good-looking guy in Hawaii...
ha. nice attitude there in the end...
disconected? whats up with that?
Hi Maggie - I use a program called Snag-It. It allows you to, essentially, turn a part of your screen into a jpeg. It's kind of like taking a photo of your screen. And, yes, I have known people who have taken a photo of their computer screen to get the same results. Snag It is a little easier to me. ☺
My take on this, with zero time for reflection, is run-don't-walk-as-quickly-as-you-can-in-the-opposite-direction-from-this-guy.
Games are bad.
Following you back :)
Does this guy read your blog??
I sure wouldn't base my plans on moving in with him as his roomie. Things have been too "iffy" between the two of you.
If it is good looking guys you are after, remember that most Wyoming guys have wind burnt faces!
Can you get your own place for your own protection?
I would just be excited about going to Hawaii! And look for a different guy. ;)
Having options is always good; especially when they involve Hawaii.
He sounds to iffy!! Might want to do like you said and just move but not with him in mind!
Hawaii=hot guys? I think so!! But tell them you're just browsing. :P
If you really want to move to hawaii, I would do it without him in the plans. He's a flake! And a game player. Good luck!
I am in complete agreement with Amanda and AmyLK; too many games and he is making you work way too hard. There's plenty of guys out there who wouldn't, hold out for one of them :-)
I had to admit I love your plan. Hawaii surely is full of hot guys. I would just go just to camp out on the beach!
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