Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I'm a Nerd

I'm way too old to get excited just because I got an email response from a rock star.  A one line response that did not invite further correspondence - but a response!    


Anonymous said... 1

OMG! That is so awesome! What rock star!!!! I got a message from Glen Hansard and you would have thought he asked me to marry him the way I carried on. LOL! So gush away girl!

Anita said... 2

You're never too old to be excited about a rock star. :)

Mike said... 3

As long as it wasn't Jimi Hendrix, you should be excited! haha

buffalodick said... 4

Hey! He ought to be lucky he met you!

Vince said... 5

Now that Pavarotti and Jonny Cash are gone there is no one that could make the hairs stand for me anymore. A bit sad really, for both myself and the big fellows.

Tim Atkinson said... 6


Kate said... 7

Never ever too old for that!

Kate xx

Jen said... 8

@Christiejolu: Zach Myers from Shinedown.

@Anita and Kate: That's good...hope they like 80-year-old groupies...

@Brian Miller: :)

@otin: I would just have to change it from "excuse me while I fangirl" to "excuse me while I kiss the sky".

@buffalodick: He should! I don't add just anybody on Facebook!

@Vince: "Bound by wild desire..." My friend's band does an awesome rendition of Ring of Fire...

@The Dotterel: He's my hunka hunka burnin' love...but no...

Vince said... 9

Yes, but June C-C wrote that song, and I think that puts a very different spin on it, don't you think ?.

BlackLOG said... 10

Does Zach Myers from Shinedown count as a rock star?

He does!!!!

In which case I take your Zach Myers email and trump it with - I bumped into Ed Ordinary the harp player from "Snort your own vomit". I try not to talk about it very much...

Kate said... 11

Everyone likes groupies!

K x

UberGrumpy said... 12

Nice job! What was it you sent to him. Come on now, share...

Jen said... 13

@Vince: Just shows what a team they were and how you can't tell one story without including the other.

@BlackLOG: If a bass player that has fans all over the world but only hardcore punk rockers know him counts as a rock star, then I dated one. I WIN!!!!

@UberGrumpy: I was reluctant to meet my brother but I kept seeing his posts of him with his brothers...they are very close...
Me: January 11 at 8:50pm
I'm so jealous of the relationship you have with your family, especially your brothers. You've inspired me to get back in touch with mine. I just had dinner with my brother - the first time I've seen or spoken to him in 17 years. Zach Myers Shinedown January 12 at 10:09am Family First. . .always

Rebecca S. said... 14

I would be pretty excited, too if it were someone I really admired!

kathryn said... 15

Sweet. And for the record, you're never too old to gush....'specially if it makes you happy, which is all that really matters anyway!

BlackLOG said... 16
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BlackLOG said... 17

I like it when you get all competitive on me....You might have won this one but I'll be back...

Jen said... 18

@Rebecca S.: I was very excited. I think I may have squealed like a little girl.

@Kathryn: It does make me happy. I think I'll go do some more stuff I'm supposed to be too old to do.

@BlackLOG: Bring it.

Anonymous said... 19

He Jen! I tagged you! I also bought a Shinedown Cd. It is great!

Jen said... 20

@Christiejolu: Sound of Madness? It is great! Crow and Butterfly makes me weep...

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