...wound our way through the district, stopping briefly in a sculpture garden...

...walked through a gorgeous neighborhood...

...to The Menil Collection where I was reprimanded for trying to take pictures. This used to be a private collection of paintings, artifacts, masks, and various pieces of art that are now on display for the general public. Some of the exhibits date back to the 15th century.
This group is taking me to places I never knew existed. Houston is so ugly from the freeway. I'm learning how much more it has to offer.
We spent a little while exploring the museum, went to lunch, and then returned to our starting point. I went off on my own to the rose garden next to the Museum of Natural Science.

The evening was spent at Miller Outdoor Theatre watching members of the Shanghai Dance Company and some local Chinese dance companies with one of my Meetup groups. There were beautiful costumes, amazing choreography, and I discovered I had left the memory card for my camera at home so I don't have any pictures.
Did I mention the hike, the Menil Collection exhibit, the garden, and the performance were all free? I spent only 10 dollars today - for lunch. This is good because I am still unemployed and need to make my money last as long as possible.
I have to get up early tomorrow for a hike in Bastrop State Park. I'm hoping it doesn't rain.
It's always good to find free things to do - especially when you actually enjoy them. The roses look like the ones I posted from the wedding site garden today.
I wish I could grow my own. I live in an apt and there is not enough sun on my balcony.
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